


沒茅臺是出自TIME 這首歌英文make more time 的諧音,就是沒茅臺抖音里用這這首歌做背景音樂,然后拍視頻問老板有沒有茅臺 然后背景音樂出現(xiàn)放了出來,屬于一個諧音更 望采納



歌名:time歌詞:Money is not evil by itself錢本身無罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways它只是一張感知價值的紙,我們用來獲得其他物品的一種方式If not money – what is evil you may ask?如果錢無罪,那你會問什么有罪?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more罪是止不住的、令人著迷的、道德扭曲的貪欲Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold罪是無止盡的、無靈魂的、強迫性的逐利at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的彩虹之巔Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost罪是在交易成功時心和靈魂的價標(biāo)Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again罪是試圖買回幸福,并樂此不疲until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虛假、短暫的心靈幻境消逝Make more time賺取更多時間I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我不是說你不該追求經(jīng)濟(jì)上的成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success而是說有一個更偉大的生命目標(biāo)會比追逐金錢上的成功超然Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的靈魂正為你最真切的呼喚而尖叫You can change today if you redefine what success is to you你可以改變現(xiàn)在,只要你重新定義何為成功You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可以轉(zhuǎn)變你破損的人際關(guān)系并重建You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可以原諒自己以及那些傷害過你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你曾渴望成為的那些人的輔導(dǎo)下,你也可以變成一個領(lǐng)袖You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以調(diào)整生命中的優(yōu)先級You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建比你想象中更強烈的愛You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你可以變成最好的父母,甚至到86歲仍是如此but don’t wait until then…但別等到那時You will always be able to make more money你總會有能力賺更多錢But you cannot make more time但你卻不能賺取更多時間拓展資料《Time》是美國電音制作人MKJ制作的一首歌曲,發(fā)行于2015年04月25日。歌中的獨白來自摩根·弗里曼在紀(jì)錄片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《與摩根·弗里曼一起穿越蟲洞》)中的一段臺詞。






沒茅臺,網(wǎng)絡(luò)流行詞,指一段張國榮抽煙視頻的視頻配樂《Time》的諧音稱呼。也有一說該詞來源于make more time,意思是爭取更多的時間,讓時間更有意義。該詞流行于視頻彈幕中,屬于灌水。剛出現(xiàn)“沒茅臺”這個鬼的時候,它是被灌水一族稱為“戒煙神曲”,同時又被彈幕網(wǎng)民們尊之為“吸煙神曲”,一切皆源于網(wǎng)絡(luò)上一段“哥哥”張國榮的吸煙視頻,以及那視頻中出現(xiàn)的神秘配樂?!禩ime》一首發(fā)行于2015年,MKJ制作的一首歌曲,日因為抖音突然火爆。其中超帶感的薩克斯演奏片段激起了很多薩友的興趣。擴展資料沒茅臺《Time》此曲的歌詞是來自于摩根·弗里曼的紀(jì)錄片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(即《 與摩根·弗里曼一起穿越蟲洞 》)中的一段富有哲學(xué)韻味的臺詞,而《Time》的MV之中。有很多的空耳帝會把歌詞make more time這首歌聽成是沒茅臺,并且做成了 各種洗腦鬼畜視頻,從而走紅網(wǎng)絡(luò),所以當(dāng)這首歌曲響起來的時候,網(wǎng)友紛紛彈幕留言,沒有茅臺。而茅臺酒產(chǎn)于中國西南貴州省仁懷市茅臺鎮(zhèn),同英國蘇格蘭威士忌和法國柯涅克白蘭地并稱為“世界三大名酒”。


歌名:time歌詞:Money is not evil by itself錢本身無罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways它只是一張感知價值的紙,我們用來獲得其他物品的一種方式If not money – what is evil you may ask?如果錢無罪,那你會問什么有罪?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more罪是止不住的、令人著迷的、道德扭曲的貪欲Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold罪是無止盡的、無靈魂的、強迫性的逐利at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的彩虹之巔Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost罪是在交易成功時心和靈魂的價標(biāo)Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again罪是試圖買回幸福,并樂此不疲until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虛假、短暫的心靈幻境消逝Make more time賺取更多時間I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我不是說你不該追求經(jīng)濟(jì)上的成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success而是說有一個更偉大的生命目標(biāo)會比追逐金錢上的成功超然Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的靈魂正為你最真切的呼喚而尖叫You can change today if you redefine what success is to you你可以改變現(xiàn)在,只要你重新定義何為成功You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可以轉(zhuǎn)變你破損的人際關(guān)系并重建You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可以原諒自己以及那些傷害過你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你曾渴望成為的那些人的輔導(dǎo)下,你也可以變成一個領(lǐng)袖You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以調(diào)整生命中的優(yōu)先級You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建比你想象中更強烈的愛You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你可以變成最好的父母,甚至到86歲仍是如此but don’t wait until then…但別等到那時You will always be able to make more money你總會有能力賺更多錢But you cannot make more time但你卻不能賺取更多時間拓展資料《Time》是美國電音制作人MKJ制作的一首歌曲,發(fā)行于2015年04月25日。歌中的獨白來自摩根·弗里曼在紀(jì)錄片《Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman》(《與摩根·弗里曼一起穿越蟲洞》)中的一段臺詞。


沒茅臺歌是make more time。沒茅臺歌詞如下:歌手:MKJ所屬專輯:TimeMoney is not evil by itself錢本身無罪Its just paper with perceived value to obtain other things we value in other ways錢只是商品流通的交換介質(zhì),只是一張紙If not money – what is evil you may ask?那你會問,什么是邪惡?Evil is the unquenchable, obsessive and moral bending desire for more邪惡是上癮的道德扭曲的欲望Evil is the bottomless, soulless and obsessive-compulsive pursuit of some pot of gold是強迫自己無休止地覬覦at the end of some rainbow which doesn’t exist那些并不存在的夢幻Evil is having a price tag for your heart and soul in exchange for financial success at any cost邪惡是你內(nèi)心不惜一切代價獲取經(jīng)濟(jì)利益的價格標(biāo)簽Evil is trying to buy happiness, again and again是貪得無厭,索取幸福until all of those fake, short lived mirages of emotions are gone直到那些虛幻的蜃景消逝Make more time讓時間更有意義I’m not saying you can’t be financially successful我并不是說你不能在經(jīng)濟(jì)上取得成功I’m saying have a greater purpose in life well beyond the pursuit of financial success我是說有一個偉大的生活目標(biāo)會超越經(jīng)濟(jì)方面的成功Your soul is screaming for you to answer your true calling你的靈魂在尖叫著等你最真切的回應(yīng)You can change today if you redefine what success is to you如果你重新定義成功,你可能改變自己的現(xiàn)狀You can transform your damaged relationships and build new ones你可能改善并重新建立你的人際關(guān)系You can forgive yourself and others who’ve hurt you你可能原諒自己和傷害過你的人You can become a leader by mentoring with others who you aspire to be like在你仰慕的人的指導(dǎo)下你也可能成為一個領(lǐng)導(dǎo)You can re-balance your priorities in life你可以重新調(diào)整生活的重心You can heal your marriage and recreate a stronger love than you ever thought possible你可以治愈你的婚姻并重建真愛You can become the best parent possible at any age – even 86你在任何年紀(jì)都能成為最好的父母,甚至在86歲but don’t wait until then…但千萬別等到那時You will always be able to make more money你將來可能會賺很多錢But you cannot make more time卻得不到更多時間擴展資料:沒茅臺,網(wǎng)絡(luò)流行詞,指一段張國榮抽煙視頻的視頻配樂《Time》的諧音稱呼。也有一說該詞來源于make more time,意思是爭取更多的時間,讓時間更有意義。該詞流行于視頻彈幕中,屬于灌水,但是也可以當(dāng)做是什么都沒有,有什么什么不存在的意思。比如我想要一點錢,就可以回答:沒茅臺沒茅臺其實是一首歌曲,一首英文歌曲,由于聽起來很像沒茅臺的諧音,因此成為了一個梗!沒茅臺歌是make more time,這首歌非?;鸨?,但是被很多人聽成了沒茅臺,導(dǎo)致了這個梗的流行。參考資料來源:閩南網(wǎng)-B站沒茅臺是什么歌time 沒茅臺英文歌名歌詞介紹參考資料來源:百度百科-沒茅臺

