Cambrian(cambrian of the era)

1. Cambrian

1. Cambrian

寒武紀(Cambrian)是顯生宙的開始,距今約5.42億年前—4.88億年。這個名字來自于英國威爾士的一個古代地名羅馬名稱“Cambria”,該地的寒武紀地層被最早研究。“寒武紀”一詞是英國地質學家塞奇威克(A Sedgwick)于1835年首次引進地質文獻的。原指泥盆紀老紅砂巖之下的所有地層。在羅馬人統(tǒng)治的時代,北威爾士山曾稱寒武山,因此賽德維克便將這個時期稱為寒武紀。通過鈾鉛測年法測量其延續(xù)時間為5370萬年。

2. cambrian of the era

2. cambrian of the era

古生代屬于顯生宙,上一個代是新元古代,下一個代是中生代。古生代包括了寒武紀、奧陶紀、志留紀、泥盆紀、石炭紀、二疊紀。 泥盆紀、石炭紀、二疊紀又合稱晚古生代。

古生代(Paleozoic era)——地質年代的第3個代(第1、2個代分別是太古代和元古代)。約開始于5.7億年前,結束于2.3億年前。古生代共有6個紀(Period),一般分為早、晚古生代。早古生代包括寒武紀(Cambrian 5.4億年前)、奧陶紀(Ordovician 5億年前)和志留紀(Silurian 4.35億年前),晚古生代包括泥盆紀(Devonian 4.05億年前)、石炭紀(Carboniferous 3.55億年前)和二疊紀(Permian 2.95億年前)。動物群以海生無脊椎動物中的三葉蟲、軟體動物和棘皮動物最繁盛。在奧陶紀、志留紀、泥盆紀、石炭紀,相繼出現(xiàn)低等魚類、古兩棲類和古爬行類動物。魚類在泥盆紀達于全盛。石炭紀和二疊紀昆蟲和兩棲類繁盛。古植物在古生代早期以海生藻類為主,至志留紀末期,原始植物開始登上陸地。泥盆紀以裸蕨植物為主。石炭紀和二疊紀時,蕨類植物特別繁盛,形成茂密的森林,是重要的成煤期。

中生代(英文名:Mesozoic Era;時間:距今約2.5億年~距今約6500萬年)





古生代末期,聯(lián)合古陸的形成,使全球陸地面積擴大,陸相沉積分布廣泛。中生代中、晚期,聯(lián)合古陸逐漸解體和新大洋形成,至中生代末 ,形成歐亞 、北美 、南美、非洲、澳大利亞、南極洲和印度等獨立陸塊。并在其間相隔太平洋、大西洋、印度洋和北極海。


3. cambrian point











  寒武紀大爆發(fā)挑戰(zhàn)的就是漸變論,但是并不能否證漸變論。它即使成立,也不過表明進化有時候是能夠以躍變的方式進行的,并不能否認進化在其他時候是以漸變的方式進行的。寒武紀大爆發(fā)更不會挑戰(zhàn)進化論。幾乎所有動物的“門”都在寒武紀早期出現(xiàn),絕不意味著這些動物祖先不是進化而來的,更不意味著它們之后沒有發(fā)生進化。神創(chuàng)論者在介紹寒武紀大爆發(fā)時,試圖給人這種印象:幾乎所有的動物都是同時突然出現(xiàn)的,以后只有滅絕而沒有進化。其實完全不是這么回事。第一,在寒武紀之前,動物已經過了漫長的進化過程。自五十年代以來,古生物學家已在世界各地三十個地方發(fā)現(xiàn)了大量的寒武紀之前的多細胞生物乃至動物,數(shù)量最多、最為聞名的在四個地方:澳大利亞的埃迪亞加拉山(Ediacara Hill)(因此這段時期被稱為埃迪亞加拉紀(Ediacarian))、加拿大紐芬蘭的錯誤點(Mistake Point)、俄羅斯的白海海岸和納米比亞。此外還有中國甕安動物群,據(jù)稱是迄今發(fā)現(xiàn)的最古老的實體化石動物群。這些寒武紀之前的多細胞生物包括軟珊瑚、海蜇、蠕蟲和其他稀奇古怪的生物。對這些多細胞生物是否是寒武紀動物的直接祖先,以前有爭議,因為在1995年之前從這些多細胞生物到寒武紀動物還存在一段地質空白,所以有專家主張這些早期多細胞生物全部滅絕,在寒武紀又再來一次從單細胞到多細胞的進化。在1995年,在納米比亞火山灰層中出現(xiàn)了大量的寒武紀之前的多細胞生物,恰好補上了這段空白,所以,現(xiàn)在已很少有專家懷疑前寒武紀的多細胞生物和寒武紀的動物沒有相承關系。第二,寒武紀的動物并不是“同時”出現(xiàn)的,而是持續(xù)了幾百萬年,這在進化史上當然是短時間,但對神創(chuàng)論來說,卻是長得不可思議。第三,“幾乎所有動物的門”在寒武紀地層出現(xiàn)并不等于“幾乎所有動物的種”在那時候都已出現(xiàn)。事實上,寒武紀的動物一般地只是那個門的原始物種,以后幾乎全都滅絕了,后來的物種是進化來的。比如,寒武紀只存在少數(shù)幾種原始的脊索動物,而豐富多彩的脊椎動物各類群,包括魚類、兩棲類、爬行類、哺乳類和鳥類,都是在寒武紀之后從原始脊索動物逐漸進化來的?,F(xiàn)代脊椎動物各物種更都有了幾億年的進化史。



4. cambrian college 是什么大學

地球的地質年代從今到古可分為(以下的分類依照的是國際地層委員會,劍橋大學的劃分略有不同) 年份每一百萬年為一個單位。 1. Phanerozoic Eon: PH (顯生宙) 1) Cenozoic Era: CZ (新生代) (0 - 65.5) 現(xiàn)代生物的時期 (哺乳動物,被子植物),其間經歷了多次的冰河時期 a) Quaternary Q (第四紀) (0 - 1.81) Holocene Q2 (全新世) (0 - 0.01) Pleistocene Q1 (更新世) (0.01 - 1.81) Neogene N (晚第三紀) (1.81 - 23.8) Pliocene N2 (上新世) (1.81 - 5.32) Miocene N1 (中新世) (5.32 - 23.8) c) Paleogene E (早第三紀) (23.8 - 65.5) Oligocene E3 (漸新世) (23.8 - 33.7) Eocene E2 (始新世) (33.7 - 55.0) Paleocene E1 (古新世) (55.0 - 65.5) 2) Mesozoic Era: MZ (中生代) (65.5 - 250) 中等進化生物的時期 (爬行動物,裸子植物) a) Cretaceous K (白堊紀) (65.5 - 142.0) 恐龍進化的最后階段,有暴龍等 Jurassic J (侏羅紀) (142.0 - 205.1) 恐龍統(tǒng)治的時代,侏羅紀中期泛古大陸開始分解,導致后期超大型恐龍的出現(xiàn),如腕龍,梁龍等。 c) Triassic T (三疊紀) (205.1 - 250) 三疊紀生物大滅絕,恐龍出現(xiàn) 3)Paleozoic Era: PZ (古生代) (251.4 - 545) 古代生物的時期 (魚類,蕨類植物) a) Permian P (二疊紀) (251.4 - 292) Carboniferous C (石炭紀) (292 - 354) c) Devonian D (泥盆紀) (354 - 417) d) Silurian S (志留紀) (417 - 440) e) Ordovician O (奧陶紀) (440 - 495) f) Cambrian E (寒武紀) (495 - 545) 寒武紀的生物大爆炸 2.Precambrian (元古宙) 1) Proterozoic PR (原生代) (545 - 2500) 久遠的原始生物的時期 a) Neoproterozoic NP (540-1000) Mesoproterozoic MP (1000-1600) c) Paleoproterozoic PP (1800 - 2500) 2) Archean AR (太古代) (2500 - 3900) 初始生物的時期 a) Neoarchean NA (2500 - 2800) Mesoarchean MA (2800 - 3200) c) Paleoarchean PA (3200 - 3600) d) Eoarchean EA (3600 - 3900) 3) Hadean (冥古代) (3900 - 4567) 生命現(xiàn)象伊始的時期 a) Swazian Early Imbrian (3900 - 3975) Swazian Nectarian (3975 - 4000) c) Basin Groups Swazian (4000 - 4150) d) Basin Groups (4150 - 4567.17) e) Cryptic (4567.17 +/- 0.7) 地球的誕生(45億年前)夠詳細吧!

5. cambrian是什么品牌



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6. Cambrian period

Mount Tai (Chinese: 泰山; pinyin: Tài Shān) is a mountain of historical and cultural significance located north of the city of Tai'an, in Shandong Province, China. The tallest peak is Jade Emperor Peak (simplified Chinese: 玉皇頂; traditional Chinese: 玉皇頂; pinyin: Yùhuáng Dīng), which is commonly reported as 1545 metres (5069 feet) tall[1], but is described by the Chinese government as 1532.7 metres (5028.5 feet)[2].Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five. The temples on its slopes have been a destination for pilgrims for 3,000 years.Contents [hide]1 Location 2 History 3 Natural significance 4 Cultural significance 4.1 Dai Miao 4.2 Other Monuments 5 Infrastructure 6 Cultural references 7 Footnotes 8 External links [edit] Location Location within ChinaMount Tai is located just north of the city of Tai'an and to the south of the provincial capital Jinan. It extends from 150 to 1,545 metres above sea level and covers an area of 426 square kilometres at its base. The Jade Emperor Peak is located at 36° 16′N and 117° 6′E.[edit] HistoryTraces of human presence at Mount Tai date back to the Paleolithic period. Human settlement of the area can be proven from the neolithic period onwards. During this time, two cultures had emerged near the mountain, the Dawenkou to the north and Longshan to the south. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the mountain lay on the boundary between the competing States of Qi (north of the mountain) and Lu (south). In the ensuing Warring States Period, the State of Qi erected a 500 km-long wall to protect itself against an invasion. Ruins of this wall are still present today. The name Tai'an of neighboring city is attributed to the saying "If Mount Tai is stable, so is the entire country" (both characters of Tai'an, 泰安, have independent meaning "peace").Religious worship of Mount Tai has a tradition of 3,000 years, it has been practiced from the time of the Shang to that of the Qing Dynasty. Over time, this worship evolved into an official imperial rite and Mount Tai became one of the principal places where the emperor would pay homage to Heaven (on the summit) and Earth (at the foot of the mountain) in the Fengshan Sacrifices (封禪). In 219 BC, Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, held a ceremony on the summit and proclaimed the unity of his empire in a famous inscription.Mount Tai has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. In 2003, it attracted around 6 million visitors. A renovation project to be completed by late October 2005 aims at restoring cultural relics and the renovation of damaged buildings of cultural significance. Modern buildings which are inconsistent with the historic landscape are to be demolished. The total cost of the work is estimated at 15 million yuan (approximately US$1.8 million).[edit] Natural significance The Immortal Bridge, a natural landscapeMount Tai is a tilted fault-block mountain with height increasing from the north to the south. It is the oldest example of a paleo-metamorphic formation from the Cambrian Period in eastern China. Known as the Taishan Complex, this formation contains magnetized, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock as well as intrusions of other origins during the Archean Era. The uplift of the region started in the Proterozoic Era, by the end of the Proterozoic, it had become part of the continent.Besides the Jade Emperor Peak, other distinctive rock formations are the Heaven Candle Peak, the Fan Cliff, and the Rear Rock Basin.Mount Tai lies in the zone of oriental deciduous forest; about 80% of its area is covered with vegetation. The flora is known to comprise almost 1,000 species. Some of the trees in the area are very old and have cultural significance, such as the Han Dynasty Cypresses, which were planted by the Emperor Wu Di, the Tang Chinese Scholartree (about 2,100 years old), the Welcoming-Guest Pine (500 years old) and the Fifth-Rank Pine, which was named originally by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang, but was replanted about 250 years ago.[edit] Cultural significance[edit] Dai Miao Dai Temple at Mount TaiThe Temple of the God of Mount Tai, known as the Dai Temple (Dai Miao) is the largest and most complete ancient building complex in the area. It is located at the foot of Mount Tai in the city of Tai'an and covers an area of 96,000 square meters. The temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. Since the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), its design has been a replica of the imperial palace, which makes it one out of three extant structures in China with the features of an imperial palace (the other two are the Forbidden City and the Confucius Temple in Qufu). The temple has five major halls and many small buildings. The centerpiece is the Palace of Heavenly Blessings (Tian Kuang), built in 1008, during the Northern Song Dynasty. The hall houses the mural painting "The God of Mount Tai Making a Journey", dated to the year 1009. The mural extends around the eastern, western and northern walls of the hall and is 3.3 metres high and 62 metres long. The theme of the painting is an inspection tour by the god. Next to the Palace of Heavenly Blessings stand the Yaocan Pavilion and the entrance archway as well as the Bronze Pavilion in the northeast corner. The Dai Temple is surrounded by the 2,100 year-old Han Dynasty cypresses.Dong Yue Temple at Mount Tai[edit] Other MonumentsA flight of 7,200 total steps (including inner temple steps), with 6,293 Official Mountain Walkway Steps, lead up the East Peak of Mount Tai, along its course, there are 11 gates, 14 archways, 14 kiosks, and 4 pavilions.In total, there are 22 temples, 97 ruins, 819 stone tablets, and 1,018 cliff-side and stone inscriptions located on Mount Tai. These include the Azure Cloud Temple dedicated to the daughter of the God of Mount Tai, the goddess Laomu and the Divine Rock Temple which features the Thousand-Buddhas Hall with painted Arhat statues.[edit] Infrastructure Zeng Fu Temple at Mount Tai Stone inscriptions at Mount TaiVisitors can reach the peak of Mount Tai via a bus which terminates at the Midway Gate to Heaven, from there a cable car connects to the summit. Covering the same distance on foot takes from two and a half to six hours. The supplies for the many vendors along the road to the summit are carried up by porters either from the Midway Gate to Heaven or all the way up from the foot of the mountain.To climb up the mountain, one can take one of two routes. The more popular east route starts from Taishan Arch. On the way up the 7,200 stone steps, the climber first passes the Ten Thousand Immortals Tower (Wanxianlou), Arhat Cliff (Luohanya), and Palace to Goddess Dou Mu (Doumugong). The climbing from downtown up the mountain can take two and a half hours for the avid hiker to six hours for the leisure pace. To the northeast of the Palace to Goddess Dou Mu is Sutra Rock Valley in which the Buddhist Diamond Sutra was cut in characters measuring fifty centimeters across believed to be inscribed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The west route, taken by fewer tourists, is more scenic, but has less culture heritage.[edit] Cultural referencesThe Chinese idiom "泰山北斗" (lit. Mount Tai & Big Dipper) is an epithet for a person of great distinction. According to an ancient quotation from Sima Qian, "Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather." Mao Zedong referenced this quote in the 20th century: "To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather". [1] Rage Against the Machine referenced this in the song "Year of tha Boomerang": "So I'm goin' out heavy sorta like Mount Tai". In 1987, Canadian progressive rock band Rush put out the Hold Your Fire album, containing the song "Tai Shan." The song was about drummer and lyricist Neil Peart's journey to Mount Tai. The Dai Miao is featured in Sid Meier's Civilization IV as a religious complex that can be built by a Great Prophet, thus establishing a holy shrine dedicated to Taoism in the Taoist holy city. Tai Shan is the name of the most popular beer of most of Western Shandong province. A popular Vietnamese saying C?ng cha nh? núi Thái S?n, ngh?a m? nh? n??c trong ngu?n ch?y ra, m?t lòng th? m? kính cha, cho tròn ch? hi?u m?i là ??o con, mentions Thai Son mountain which may be translated into Chinese as Tai Shan, and refers a father's work ethics to the grandeur of the mountain

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