hiding behind the screen翻譯(hiding in the blue)

1. hiding behind the screen翻譯

1. hiding behind the screen翻譯



n. 槍支;槍狀物;持槍歹徒

vi. 用槍射擊;加大油門快速前進

vt. 向…開槍;開大油門


The criminal is hiding behind the door with a gun.



machine gun機關(guān)槍

spray gun噴槍;噴漆槍

electron gun電子槍

2. hiding in the blue

2. hiding in the blue

take me to your heart

michael learns to rock·the best of live

Hiding from the rain and snow

Trying to forget but I won't let go

Looking at a crowded street

Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

Give me your hand before I'm old

Show me what love is - haven't got a clue

Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever

We're only here today

Love is now or never

Bring me far away

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is - be my guiding star

It's easy take me to your heart

Standing on a mountain high

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky

I should go and see some friends

But they don't really comprehend

Don't need too much talking without saying anything

All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

Give me your hand before I'm old

Show me what love is - haven't got a clue

Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever

We're only here today

Love is now or never

Bring me far away

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is - be my guiding star

It's easy take me to your heart

Take me to your heart take me to your soul

Give me your hand and hold me

Show me what love is - be my guiding star

It's easy take me to your heart

3. hiding

匿  匿  nì   (1) ㄋㄧˋ  (2) 隱藏,躲藏:隱~。藏~?!?。銷聲~跡?! ?3) 鄭碼:HEGJ,U:533F,GBK:C4E4  (4) 筆畫數(shù):10,部首:匚,筆順編號:1122132515  參考詞匯  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  conceal hide   藏 躲   詳細注解:  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  nì  〈動〉  (1) (形聲。從匚(xǐ),若聲(上古讀音與匿聲相近)?!柏巍北硎居兴?。本義:隱藏,躲藏)  (2) 同本義 [hide]  匿,亡也?!墩f文》 匿,藏也。——《廣雅》  瑾瑜匿瑕?!蹲髠鳌ば迥辍?。注:“亦藏也。” 而知匿其暱?!蹲髠鳌は骞迥辍贰W?“藏也。”  匿怨而友其人?!墩撜Z》?;适?“藏也?!?引車避匿?!妒酚洝ちH藺相如列傳》  (3) 又  君畏匿之?! ∧溆阡惴悦?。(藏在廁所里。溷,廁所。藩,籬、墻。)——明·張溥《五人墓碑記》  (4) 又如:隱匿(隱藏;躲起來);藏匿(藏起來不讓人發(fā)現(xiàn));匿光(隱藏其光華。比喻才德不外露);匿怨(內(nèi)心隱藏怨恨);匿意(隱藏真情);匿謀(隱藏其謀略)  (5) 隱瞞 [conceal]  聞崔烈集門生講傳,遂匿姓名,為烈名人質(zhì)作食?!妒勒f新語·文學(xué)》  過舉不匿,則官無邪人?!渡叹龝睢贰 ?6) 又如:匿戶(隱瞞不報的戶籍);匿心(隱瞞真實思想);匿年(不肯把真實年齡告人);匿作(隱瞞姓名而勞作);匿訑(隱瞞欺詐);匿悃(隱瞞實情);匿情(隱瞞真情);匿善(隱瞞才能)  (7) [形] 假借為“慝”。惡,壞 [bad]  常令不審,則百匿勝?!豆茏印て叻ā贰 」实乐?中則可從,畸則不可為。匿則大惑。——《荀子·天論》  詞性變化  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  nì  〈副〉  暗暗地 [secretly]。如:匿留(暗中收留);匿控(暗中控告)  常用詞組  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿報nìbào  [hide and not report] 隱匿不報或少報  匿報公司利潤  匿藏  nìcáng  [hide;lurk] 隱藏;躲藏  匿伏  nìfú  [hide;lurk] 隱藏;潛伏  匿跡  nìjì  [go into hiding] 隱藏起來,不露形跡  匿跡江湖  匿名  nìmíng  [anonymity] 不露身份、個人特征或不說明是什么人物  匿名信  nìmíngxìn  [anonymous letter] 不署名或不署真實姓名的信  匿笑  nìxiào  [snicker] 暗中偷笑;掩口暗笑  掩口匿笑  匿影藏形  nìyǐng-cángxíng  [hide from public notice] 躲藏起來,不被人發(fā)現(xiàn)  漢譯英  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  conceal hide   基本詞義  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  conceal hide   相關(guān)詞語  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  藏 躲   English   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  N ì  Conceal, hide.  Hide to hide  conceal  hide 

4. hiding怎么讀

匿  匿  nì   (1) ㄋㄧˋ  (2) 隱藏,躲藏:隱~。藏~。~名。銷聲~跡?! ?3) 鄭碼:HEGJ,U:533F,GBK:C4E4  (4) 筆畫數(shù):10,部首:匚,筆順編號:1122132515  參考詞匯  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  conceal hide   藏 躲   詳細注解:  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  nì  〈動〉  (1) (形聲。從匚(xǐ),若聲(上古讀音與匿聲相近)?!柏巍北硎居兴?。本義:隱藏,躲藏)  (2) 同本義 [hide]  匿,亡也?!墩f文》 匿,藏也。——《廣雅》  瑾瑜匿瑕?!蹲髠鳌ば迥辍?。注:“亦藏也?!?而知匿其暱?!蹲髠鳌は骞迥辍?。注:“藏也?!薄 ∧湓苟哑淙??!墩撜Z》?;适?“藏也。” 引車避匿?!妒酚洝ちH藺相如列傳》  (3) 又  君畏匿之?! ∧溆阡惴悦?。(藏在廁所里。溷,廁所。藩,籬、墻。)——明·張溥《五人墓碑記》  (4) 又如:隱匿(隱藏;躲起來);藏匿(藏起來不讓人發(fā)現(xiàn));匿光(隱藏其光華。比喻才德不外露);匿怨(內(nèi)心隱藏怨恨);匿意(隱藏真情);匿謀(隱藏其謀略)  (5) 隱瞞 [conceal]  聞崔烈集門生講傳,遂匿姓名,為烈名人質(zhì)作食?!妒勒f新語·文學(xué)》  過舉不匿,則官無邪人?!渡叹龝睢贰 ?6) 又如:匿戶(隱瞞不報的戶籍);匿心(隱瞞真實思想);匿年(不肯把真實年齡告人);匿作(隱瞞姓名而勞作);匿訑(隱瞞欺詐);匿悃(隱瞞實情);匿情(隱瞞真情);匿善(隱瞞才能)  (7) [形] 假借為“慝”。惡,壞 [bad]  常令不審,則百匿勝?!豆茏印て叻ā贰 」实乐?中則可從,畸則不可為。匿則大惑?!盾髯印ぬ煺摗贰 ≡~性變化  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  nì  〈副〉  暗暗地 [secretly]。如:匿留(暗中收留);匿控(暗中控告)  常用詞組  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿報nìbào  [hide and not report] 隱匿不報或少報  匿報公司利潤  匿藏  nìcáng  [hide;lurk] 隱藏;躲藏  匿伏  nìfú  [hide;lurk] 隱藏;潛伏  匿跡  nìjì  [go into hiding] 隱藏起來,不露形跡  匿跡江湖  匿名  nìmíng  [anonymity] 不露身份、個人特征或不說明是什么人物  匿名信  nìmíngxìn  [anonymous letter] 不署名或不署真實姓名的信  匿笑  nìxiào  [snicker] 暗中偷笑;掩口暗笑  掩口匿笑  匿影藏形  nìyǐng-cángxíng  [hide from public notice] 躲藏起來,不被人發(fā)現(xiàn)  漢譯英  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  conceal hide   基本詞義  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  conceal hide   相關(guān)詞語  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  藏 躲   English   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  匿  N ì  Conceal, hide.  Hide to hide  conceal  hide 

5. hiding是什么意思

close 有五種用法、釋義,具體分析如下:




Her life is drawing to a close.



He lives at 87 Barker Close.




Will you close the door,Tony?



The museum has been closed for one months.



The offer will close before Spring Festival.




The factory was forced to close the door ten years ago.




My father and his mother are close friends.



He's so close about his family - it seems like he's hiding something.



The room is very close without a window.



The election results were so close they had to vote again.




Don't come too close to the dog,baby.


五、close用作表語時的意思是“近的,接近的”,通常指空間距離極小,甚至幾乎相接或者時間重合。用作定語時,用于社會關(guān)系上指直系親屬、至愛親朋之間的緊密聯(lián)系,即“親密的,密切的”。另外, close還可指“徹底的,仔細的”“悶熱的,不通風(fēng)的”“勢均力敵的”“秘密的,隱藏的”等。


6. hidingintheblue歌詞翻譯

《Take Me To Your Heart》

原唱:Michael Learns To Rock

填詞:Jascha Richter


Hiding from the rain and snow,Trying to forget but I won't let go


Looking at a crowded street,Listening to my own heart beat


So many people all around the world,Tell me where do I find someone like you girl


Take me to your heart,Take me to your soul


Give me your hand before I'm old,Show me what love is haven't got a clue

給我你的手,在我老去之前,問情為何物 在我們彼此離開前

Show me that wonders can be true,They say nothing lasts forever


We're only here today,Love is now or never


Bring me far away,Take me to your heart


Take me to your soul,Give me your hand and hold me


Show me what love is be my guiding star,It's easy take me to your heart

問情為何物 讓星辰照亮我路,其實愛我真的很簡單

Standing on a mountain high,Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky


I should go and see some friends,But they don't really comprehend


Don't need too much talking without saying anything,All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing


Take me to your heart,Take me to your soul


Give me your hand before I'm old,Show me what love is haven't got a clue

給我你的手,在我老去之前,問情為何物 在我們彼此離開前

Show me that wonders can be true,They say nothing lasts forever


We're only here today,Love is now or never


Bring me far away,Take me to your heart


Take me to your soul,Give me your hand and hold me


Show me what love is be my guiding star,It's easy take me to your heart

問情為何物 讓星辰照亮我路,其實愛我真的很簡單

Take me to your heart,Take me to your soul


Give me your hand and hold me,Show me what love is be my guiding star

給我你的手擁我入懷,問情為何物 讓星辰照亮我路

It's easy take me to your heart


7. hiding behind the screen

1915年 《流浪漢》 The Tramp

1915年 《拐騙》 Shanghaied

1916年 《冒牌的伯爵》 The Count

1916年 《銀幕背后》 Behind the Screen

1917年 《安樂街》 Easy Street

1918年 《狗的生涯》 A Dog's Life 又譯:《狗的生活》

1918年 《夏爾洛從軍記》 Shoulder Arms

1921年 《尋子遇仙記》 The Kid

1921年 《有閑階級》 The Idle Class

1922年 《發(fā)薪日》 Pay Day

1923年 《巴黎一婦人》 A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate

1925年 《淘金記》 The Gold Rush

1928年 《大馬戲團》 The Circus1931年 《城市之光》 City Lights

1936年 《摩登時代》 Modern Times

1940年 《大獨裁者》 The Great Dictator

1947年 《凡爾杜先生》 Monsieur Verdoux 又譯:《殺人狂時代》、《殺人的喜劇》1952年 《舞臺生涯》 Limelight

1957年 《紐約王》 A King in New York 又譯:《一個國王在紐約》

1963年 《三十歡樂世界》 30 Years of Fun

1967年 《香港女伯爵》 A Countess from Hong Kong

8. hiding from rain and snow

Take me to your heart(英文版《吻別》)

作詞:Jascha Richter


編曲:Johan Bejerholm

演唱者:邁克學(xué)搖滾(Michael Learns To Rock)



Hiding from the rain and snow(嗨丁風(fēng)的瑞南斯耨)

Trying to forget but I won't let go(踹英兔覆蓋巴哎忘來夠)

Looking at a crowded street(盧king哎額克勞得絲追)

Listening to my own heart beat(累森吐麥歐哈比特)

So many people all around the world(搜買內(nèi)皮剖熬額ruang的沃德)

Tell me where do I find someone like you girl(條哦米圍度哎煩薩木萬來客有狗)

Take me to your heart(忒米吐喲哈)

Take me to your soul(忒米吐喲搜)

Give me your hand before I'm old(給米有而黑北否Ruang噢)

Show me what love is haven't got a clue(手米挖的拉文斯~還問嘎的哭路)

Show me that wonders can be true(手米外的完的斯看逼出)

They say nothing lasts forever(雷塞那幸拉斯佛瑞挖)

We're only here today(維阿昂類黑爾特得)

Love is now or never(拉夫誒絲鬧凹奶佛)

Bring me far away(不ring米發(fā)額為)

Take me to your heart(忒米吐喲哈)

Take me to your soul(忒米吐喲搜)

Give me your hand and hold me(給米有汗安厚米)

Show me what love is be my guiding star(收米我拉夫誒絲比買該定死大)

It's easy take me to your heart(誒次一賊忒可米兔要哈)


Standing on a mountain high(斯但丁昂額毛疼嗨)

Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky(擼king哎特木蘇額克蕾兒布魯斯蓋)

I should go and see some friends(愛書茍安sei薩墓服潤資)

But they don't really comprehend(巴賊東特瑞雷卡姆普瑞很的)

Don't need too much talking without saying anything(東特你圖嗎吃桃king維薩特sei贏安內(nèi)興)

All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing(奧愛你四薩木萬胡美克斯迷惘訥死硬)

Take me to your heart(忒米吐喲哈)

Take me to your soul(忒米吐喲搜)

Give me your hand before I'm old(給米有而黑北否Ruang噢)

Show me what love is haven't got a clue(手米挖的拉文斯~還問嘎的哭路)

Show me that wonders can be true(手米外的完的斯看逼出)

They say nothing lasts forever(雷塞那幸拉斯佛瑞挖)

We're only here today(維阿昂類黑爾特得)

Love is now or never(拉夫誒絲鬧凹奶佛)

Bring me far away(不ring米發(fā)額為)

Take me to your heart(忒米吐喲哈)

Take me to your soul(忒米吐喲搜)

Give me your hand and hold me(給米有汗安厚米)

Show me what love is be my guiding star(收米我拉夫誒絲比買該定死大)

It's easy take me to your heart(誒次一賊忒可米兔要哈)

《Take Me To Your Heart》由Jascha Richter作詞,殷文琦作曲,Johan Bejerholm編曲,邁克學(xué)搖滾(Michael Learns To Rock)演唱的抒情搖滾歌曲,收錄由2004年2月5日發(fā)行的同名專輯《Take Me To Your Heart》中。這首歌翻唱自香港歌神張學(xué)友1993年的代表作《吻別》。

邁克學(xué)搖滾(Michael Learns to Rock),丹麥流行樂隊,由Jascha Richter、K?re Wanscher和Mikkel Lentz組成。

1988年,邁克學(xué)搖滾在丹麥成立。1991年8月,發(fā)行首張錄音室專輯《Michael Learns to Rock》,專輯中的歌曲《The Actor》在丹麥、挪威、瑞典等國的音樂榜單上奪冠。1995年,發(fā)行第三張專輯《Played on Pepper》。1997年,擔(dān)任香港回歸演唱會的演出嘉賓 。1999年,獲得首屆CCTV-MTV音樂盛典亞洲最受歡迎國際樂隊獎。

2004年2月,發(fā)行專輯《Michael Learns to Rock》 。同年7月,獲得第6屆CCTV-MTV音樂盛典國際年度最佳組合獎。2009年3月,第七張專輯《Eternity》在中國上市 。2012年6月,發(fā)行第八張專輯《Scandinavia》 。2014年10月,為紀念樂隊成立25周年而推出精選集《25: The Complete Singles》。

9. hidi是什么接口


  HDMI 高清多媒體接口是一種全數(shù)字化視頻和聲音發(fā)送接口,可以發(fā)送未壓縮的音頻及視頻信號。HDMI接口可傳輸音視頻信號,支持4K分辨率及3D視效,常出現(xiàn)在筆記本、電腦、顯示器、投影儀、電視機等設(shè)備上。如果筆記本和電視機上有標準HDMI接口,那么只需搭配一條HDMI線,將兩者連接,就可使筆記本連接至電視機,屏幕可達到復(fù)制或擴展模式的使用效果。

