











茅臺酒 [解釋]:Mao-Tai chiew; maotai (a Chinese liquor) [參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英進(jìn)出口商品詞匯大全 四特酒 花雕酒 五糧液酒 董酒 汾酒 郎酒 苦艾酒[烈酒] absinthe 陳年酒 杜康酒 桂花陳酒 高粱紅酒 高粱酒 人參酒 ginseng liquor; ginseng liquor 醇香酒 龜齡集酒 龜龍液[酒] 龜鹿酒 tortoise deer wine; tortoise deer wine 龜茸酒 黿魚酒 尖莊酒 特曲酒 三寶酒 劍南春酒 汾特佳酒 汾州黃酒 中山米酒 二曲[酒] 洮南香酒 沱牌曲酒 山東老酒 武陵酒 黃鶴樓酒 三鞭補(bǔ)酒 tonic tincture of three animal penes; tonic tincture of three animal penes 糯<江>米酒 glutinous rice wine 糯米酒 glutinous rice wine 低度酒 proof spirit; table wine; mild wine 低度啤酒 1.light ale; (Am.) lite beer; pale ale 西鳳酒 五加皮酒 陳缸酒 迎賓酒 金絲棗酒 口子酒 郎泉酒 參杞補(bǔ)酒 lycium-ginseng tonic wine 參茸酒 ginseng and antler wine; medicated wine of ginseng and pilose antler 參茸藥酒 ginseng antler medical liquor; ginseng antler medicated liquor 杜仲酒 eucommia wine; eucommia wine 即墨老酒 散裝啤酒 draught beer 楠藥補(bǔ)酒 紹興米酒 雙蒸酒 竹葉青酒 [解釋]:bamboo leaf green liquor Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor bamboo leaf green liquor; Green Bamboo Leaf Liquor [參考詞典]:漢英綜合大詞典 漢英進(jìn)出口商品詞匯大全 古井貢酒 月宮桂酒 桃山白酒 蓮花白酒 千山白酒 洞庭酒 大曲酒 中國參芪酒 Chinese ginseng and astragali wine 通化葡萄酒 東北三寶酒 金絲燕窩酒 蠶蛾公補(bǔ)酒 male silkworm moth tonic 靈芝人參酒 ganoderma ginseng wine; ganoderma ginseng wine 紹興花雕酒 紹興加飯酒 紹興善釀酒 紹興香雪酒 中國養(yǎng)生酒 China nutritious liquor 天麻糯米酒 rhizoma gastrodiae glutinous rice wine 李時珍補(bǔ)酒 人參靈芝大補(bǔ)酒 ginseng glossy ganoderma tonic wine; ginseng glossy ganoderma tonic wine 北京白葡萄酒 北京百補(bǔ)養(yǎng)元酒 北京干白葡萄酒 北京干紅葡萄酒 北京桂花陳酒 北京紅葡萄酒 特制北醇葡萄酒 special 特制黃鶴樓酒 煙臺白葡萄酒 煙臺紅葡萄酒 王朝白葡萄酒 Dynasty white wine; Dynasty white wine 王朝紅葡萄酒 Dynasty red wine; Dynasty red wine


1, Maotai wine country - liquor, 2, Wu Liang Arima - Wuliangye Liquor, 3, Heng Fa Chuen, Hong Fen - Xinghuacun Fen, 4, Luzhou - Luzhou, 5, West Feng Chaoyang - Xifeng Jiu, 6, Jiannanchun strong - Spring Jiannan, 7, Dong collection of wine - wine Dong, 8, Furui-year-old Gong - Gong ancient wine, 9, the ancient Yue Yongsan - the ancient Yue Longshan Shaoxing rice wine license, 10, Jiro old Lin - Langjiu, 11, Longyan Shen-cylinder - Longyan Shen wine tanks, 12, Shangri-La - Shangri-La stem barley secret possession of alcohol, 13, Tuopai long - Tuopai Liquor, 14, Yanghe grade - Daqu Yanghe, 15, shuanggou drunk monkeys - shuanggou Daqu, 16, Quanxing everything - Daqu Quanxing, 17, Puli familiar yellow - Puli Shaoxing rice wine, 18, the old boiler burning - Erguotou wine, 19, Hengshui dry white - Laobaigan Hengshui, 20, and when Furnace Wenjun - Wenjun Liquor, 21, Wuling old butter - Wuling wine, 22, Xiang Quan such as beads - Xiangquan wine, 23, Qi drunkard - alcoholic liquor, 24, to lift the spirits of Yili - Yili wine, 25, Yichuandukang - Dukang wine, 26, Qing Chun Guizhou - Guizhou alcohol, 27, Homebrew Taiwan - Taiwan Homebrew wine, 28, Sally Taibai State - too white wine, 29, Green Trimeresurus - Trimeresurus, 30, Rice spent dust - rice wine flowers, 31, three fresh flowers - three Huajiu, 32, Luk Fook Gold - Jin Liufu wine, 33, two-Jiujiang steam - double-distilled rice wine Jiujiang, 34, Xi Yun-odd wine - wine study 35, Green wine fragrance - green wine 36, Anhui liquor title - Wang Wan wine wine, 37, Beijing Alcohols Lantern - Chinese Lantern Beijing alcohol licensing, 38, the Loop Wang Feng - Wang Hetao wine, 39, four plasma Teqiong - four special wine, 40, Wai black glutinous water - water-hui and glutinous rice wine, 41, the ancestral Fung - Fung wine, 42, sweet-scented osmanthus Guilin - Guilin Osmanthus fragrans liquor license, 43, the Yellow Crane Tower - Yellow Crane Tower Liquor, 44, Little River Duck - Duck Creek wine cellar, 45, Lai Mao burn Square - the beginning of Lai wine, 46, Tan Kai-hole - hole wine, 47, Tianyi well - Tianyi wine, 48, Jingzhi think of taste - wine Jingzhi, 49, drunk at the Jing-Yang - Jing Yanggang wine, 50, Jin strong card - strong liquor, 51, an immeasurable wine - wine-an, 52, Xiao-xian confused - confused cents 53, double back to the sand - the sand back to the Sands wine, 54, Jane rare wine - wine-zhen, 55, Pingba taste chang - Pingba wine cellar, 56, highland barley and mutual assistance - mutual highland barley wine, 57, hot Deshan intestine - kuh-liquor, 58, Changle long life - longevity Changle wine, 59, Tujia earth - Tujia wine, 60, 25, chattered - 25 chattered light wine, 61, Jin liquor on file - Jin Jin liquor license, 62, River Song imperial seal - River Song liquid food, 63, when Emperor Qianlong Huan - Qianlong wine, 64, Zhang Gong Eagle Shooting - Zhang Gong wine, 65, Zui Xiang Lan - Lan Ling wine, 66, store credit classic - old wine shop on credit, 67, the family Confucian Residence - Confucian Residence house wine, 68, Long Zhongdui - Long Zhongdui wine, 69, a net wells Gan - Shuijing Fang wine, 70, Ningcheng cellar for a long time - Ningcheng Laojiao, 71, the warehouse full of Beijing University - Beijing University of liquor stores, 72, the seed of gold - gold seeds of wine, 73, Chang quickly double - double wine 74, the day-made ditch Tom - Tom ditch special song, 75, to set up Fangzi - Fangzi liquor, 76, the vast white clouds - white wine side, 77, ice-burning soy - soy flavor ice-burn rice wine, 78, Liu Ling dim - Liu Ling drink, 79, Tang Sin Ti - Sin liquor, wine drunk Sin, 80, Bandao Old Well - well Bandao wine, 81, Qian-Chun Gao light - Guizhou Spring, 82, China Zhijiang tongue - Zhijiang wine, 83, Shi Hua Zi voice - Hua Jiu Shi, 84, yet to Jingui - Jingui special song, 85, Lung-bin delicious - Lung-bin wine, 86, Xue-Qin charm - Cao Xueqin wine 87, the fine white sand play - Pak wine liquid, 88, Yangshao sweet wine of God - nine Yangshao wine,

