spirit怎么讀(team spirit怎么讀)

1. team spirit怎么讀

1. team spirit怎么讀

dota雪碧是對Team Spirit的稱呼。



2. aloha spirit怎么讀

2. aloha spirit怎么讀

Aloha 是夏威夷人友善問好的用語。aloha spirit 是指夏威夷式的友善精神。

3. Mamba spirit怎么讀




4. spirits怎么讀

animal的音標(biāo)是英 [??n?ml]或美 [??n?m?l],animal意思是動物,作為名詞和形容詞使用。





1、Animal Farm 動物莊園 ; 動物農(nóng)莊 ; 動物農(nóng)場 ; [畜牧] 畜牧場

2、Animal Product 動物產(chǎn)品 ; 畜產(chǎn)品 ; 動物產(chǎn)物 ; 動物性產(chǎn)品

3、animal rights 動物權(quán)利 ; 動物權(quán) ; 動物權(quán)益 ; 動物的權(quán)利

4、Animal Spirits 動物本能 ; 動物精神 ; 動物情緒 ; 生氣





英 [?kri:t??(r)] 美 [?krit??]



1、The dormouse is a shy, nocturnal creature.

5. spiritual怎么讀

Lesson 27:?Nothing to sell and nothing to buy


? It has been said that?everyone?lives by?selling something.?In the light of?this?statement, teachers live by selling knowledge,?philosophers?by selling wisdom and?priests?by selling?spiritual?comfort. Though it may be possible to?measure?the value of material good?in terms of?money, it is?extremely?difficult to?estimate?the true value of the?services?which people?perform?for us.?There are times when?we would?willingly?give everything we?possess?to save our lives, yet we might?grudge?paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us?precisely?this service.?The conditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for?in the same way that?goods are paid for at a shop. Everyone has something to sell.

? Tramps?seem to be the only?exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as?human beings?to arouse the pity of passers-by. But real tramps are not beggars.?They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. In seeking?independence, they do not sacrifice their human?dignity. A tramp may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to?feel sorry for?him. He has?deliberately?chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the?consequences. He may never be sure where the next meal is?coming from, but he is?free from?the thousands of?anxieties?which?afflict?other people. His few material possessions make it possible for him to move from place to place?with ease. By having to sleep?in the open, he?gets far closer to?the world of nature than most of us ever do. He may hunt, beg, or steal?occasionally?to keep himself alive; he may even,?in times of?real need, do a little work; but he will never?sacrifice?his freedom.?We often?speak of?tramps with?contempt?and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we have not felt a little?envious?of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?

第50篇---New Year Resoutions 新年決心。這篇初讀就覺得有魯迅雜文般的質(zhì)感,既諷刺又幽默。 從開篇的The New Year is a time for resoluions, 新年是一個下決心的好時候,就開始開啟嘲諷技能。Mentally(只是心理上), at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of 'dos' and 'don't',至少我們個人精神上都會制定一個令人望而生畏的“要做什么”“不能做什么”的清單。前兩句讀起來就非常辛辣了。從高級詞匯的使用角度來講,recur 完全可以作為happen的同義替換詞; year in and year out 年復(fù)一年,是不是比我們用爛掉的time after time, again and again, year after year 要好上很多。類似的還有很多完全可以在雅思寫作或者口語里面運用到的短語,如 monotonous regularity; beyond attainment; slip back into our bad old ways; pitfalls;assiduously; taunts and jibes,都很實用而且地道。

第41篇---illusions of pastoral peace.寧靜田園生活的幻想。稍微改頭換面一下,就是一篇絕美的雅思作文題或者口語回答的范本??! 比如經(jīng)典的口語老題:Do you enjoy living in countryside? 回答: Yes, I do. I think country?life is somehow superior to town life. I love everything about it such as friendly?people there, the clean atmosphere, the closeness to nature and the gentle peace of life.?Nothing in city can be compared with the first cockcrow, the twittering of birds at dawn and the sights of the rising sun glinting on the trees and pastures. 有沒有有沒有一種背到就是賺到的感覺?

6. kees spirit怎么讀








7. spirit怎么讀英語

是的,SPIRIT ,英文單詞,名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“精神;心靈;情緒;志氣;烈酒”,作動詞時意為“ 鼓勵;鼓舞;誘拐”。holy spirit 圣靈

Spirit Warrior 孔雀王 ; 魂武士 ; 絕地戰(zhàn)將 ; 極地雄風(fēng)

Norwegian Spirit 挪威精神號 ; 挪威精神

white spirit 石油溶劑 ; 高梁酒 ; 白干 ; 白酒

Martial Spirit 武動青春 ; 尚武精神 ; 武技之魂 ; 前名

noble spirit 浩然之氣 ; 浩然氣概 ; 貴族精神 ; 浩然的正氣
